Sunday 4 August 2019

Shadows of Hate

I sit here in the apartment looking out across Central Park with a heart breaking for the ‘Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave’. 
Our beacon of light and hope being extinguished by the shadows of hate spreading out across our country.

Vicious and vile messages to weak and vulnerable followers spewing from the highest halls in the land linger in the black clouds above the weakest minds to poison their hearts.

Despots and tyrants throughout history have raised up the voices of the weak minded with rallies, chants and calls to arms, to fan the flames of hate and to billow the clouds to blacken out any rays of hope and love.

The second amendment gives the militia the right to bear arms and it is this very militia that is now being called on to mobilise and tear the very soul from our land.

As the shadows of hate to marginalise and radicalise the weak; doing the very bidding of the enemies of democracy, where will the sickle strike next?

Are we to wait until the smoke from the chimneys above the horror chambers blackens the soul of ‘the land of the free’? Will we be brave and pick up the banner of freedom and exorcise the halls of the viscous and vile?

Must more innocent lives be lost forever until the banner of light rises up through the shadows of hate?

Will our souls survive untarnished to vanquish this evil, or shall we be led by tyranny and forever relinquish the banner of the ‘Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave’?

1 comment:

  1. Well said. We must stop the hate and devision which accompanies it.Freedom comes at a cost. Always has. From the revolutionary war to all the world wars, we have learned that. The ultimate sacrifice that many have given should not be in vain. If we do not we WILL cease to exist.


Could we change the world?

Do you remember the movie the Power of One with Morgan Freeman and the little boy PK? Can we change our World from hate to love?...